Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 7

15th May 2006

Santa Fe

Today is a day off a chance to do your own thing; the rain has stayed with us overnight and continues in the occasional heavy downpour during the morning. A chance to send some more post cards and get them posted. Spent some of the morning have a stroll around the square and visiting the oldest mission in the USA founded around 1610. However, beneath the mission are ruins of an older dwelling dating back to 1300 and it is believed to be the ruins of the local Native Americans that lived here. It would appear not all Native Americans lived in tepees; many tribes lived in small villages.

The afternoon has arrived, the rain has stopped, and the sun is coming out every so often, during my walk I notice that the mountains nearby still have snow on there peaks. The area is known for the number of artists that live and work in the area and it has the third largest gathering of artists in the world behind Paris and London. Many of the works of art are on display in the numerous galleries and museums in the town. The local tribe set out market everyday in the square selling there goods, apparently they draw lots everyday as to where they are going to set up there wears, most of it is silver jewellery and at a very good price.

Have been keeping in touch with home by text but felt something was wrong at home so rang home today to find that my youngest daughter had been taken into hospital with DVT (deep vain thrombosis) but have been assured that she is alright and getting treatment.

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