Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 4

12th May 2006

Tulsa – Clinton OK

27653 -27866 (213 miles)

We had a lay in this morning not on the road until 8am. A cooked Breakfast is laid on, when we are ready to leave the management again come out to wave us goodbye, (a big five* for this hotel). We are on the move a few minutes late at 8.10am and onto the Highway slow moving at first with the morning traffic, once out of Tulsa we are back on the old road again winding our way through small towns, the road is still undulating through Oklahoma. Stretching out before us towards the horizon and beyond as you crest over the brow of a hill, we arrive in Chandler and a photo opportunity. They are in the process of restoring a Philips 66 filling station, they hope that by next year it will be complete now the outside is complete, together with two trucks from the 1930’s. Just down the road is a local museum, which holds the history of the local tribe and how the area developed in the early years by European settlers. This is a fair sized town but is still not the hustle and bustle of the towns back home.

Moving on from the town and an hour or so down the road we arrive at Bristow where one of the oldest parts of the road still exists, paved with brick, a ride up and down on this section of road from 1926. Soon it is time for lunch and stop off in Arcadia at the Hillbilly Restaurant. A charming place to stop for lunch again good food and a good price, you could call it very rustic in its charm. A few yards up the road stands the round barn build in 1898 and another landmark of this route.

After lunch, we move continue on the road, which is still undulating over hills. This section of road is different in parts to the rest we have seen as we go up the hills the sides of the road are curved up for some reason, could be to direct the flow of rain water down the road and into gullies only the designer would know for sure. Pass the body of a black bear that has been hit by passing traffic, must have been very unlucky as we have seen very few other vehicles using this route, most of it is using the main highways. Around 4pm, we crest out at the top of the plateau at a height of 1500 ft above sea level, higher than that of Missouri. The scenery now pans out before us opening out into a large expanse of flatness, now heading towards Clinton the road stretches out before us. In the distance, large wind turbines stand on the skyline and remain there for the next hours ride, riding into Clinton we call into a route 66 museum.

Here they chart the early history of Route 66 with exhibits from the 1920’s through to the demise of Route 66. A diner is laid out as it might have been in the 50’s, a short film of the road and what lays ahead of us should be fun.

The weather has been warm today temperatures in the high 20’s C, plenty of sunshine and a touch of sunburn on my wrists where I had the zips undone whilst riding. Dinner was good at the hotel and a decent portion, though they also have funny ideas of fillings and toppings, be prepared to brave the toppings or make sure you hold them, they are quite happy to put them on the side for you. We have another lay in tomorrow not off until 8am and it promises to be another fine day with some spectacular scenery, the road is certainly living up to expectations.

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